Paragraph Writing

A paragraph is a collection of sentences related to one main idea or topic. In a good paragraph, one sentence leads to another and it has a logical structure with the correct arrangement of sentences.

Essentials of paragraph writing:
1. Presentation of single idea
2. A sequence of well-connected sentences
3. Thematic unity within the paragraph
4. Conciseness and exactness

What to avoid:
1. Avoid ambiguous expression
2. Avoid repetition of the same ideas as it leads to boredom
3. Avoid the use of superfluous proverbs, idioms and figure of speech

Methods of Paragraph Development
Effective paragraphs have four main characteristics: a topic sentence, unity, coherence, and adequate development. Each of these characteristics is discussed below.

Topic Sentences
Beginning a paragraph with a topic sentence is one of the best ways to achieve clarity and unity in one's writing. The function of a topic sentence is to describe what the paragraph will be about, such that the reader has clear expectations about what will follow. An effective topic sentence typically contains only one main idea. The remainder of the paragraph then develops that idea more fully, offering supporting points and examples. After reading a topic sentence, one should be able to anticipate the type of information contained in the rest of the paragraph. If the remainder of the paragraph does not fulfill the "promise" of the topic sentence, the paragraph will lack unity, coherence and adequate development.

Unity refers to the extent to which all of the ideas contained within a given paragraph "hang together" in a way that is easy for the reader to understand. When the writer changes to a new idea the writer should begin a new paragraph. Unity is important because it aids the reader in following along with the writer's ideas. The reader can expect that a given paragraph will deal only with one main topic; when a new paragraph begins, this signals that the writer is moving on to a new topic.

Coherence refers to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph is easily understood by the reader. For this reason, coherence is closely related to unity. When a writer changes main ideas or topics within a paragraph, confusion often results. To achieve coherence, then, a writer should show how all of the ideas contained in a paragraph are relevant to the main topic.

Methods of organizing content in a paragraph

1. Chronological Method
Chronological organization refers to the narration of events in the order in which they occur in time.
3. Linear
Linear logical order refers to a systematic order as a line. One idea logically leads to another idea in a natural way.
2. Spatial Method
Spatial order is a method in which details are presented as they are (or were) located in space — such as, from left to right or from top to bottom. Also known as order of place or space structure, spatial order describes things as they appear when observed — in descriptions of places and objects, spatial order determines the perspective from which readers observe the details.
A spatial order comes with a set of transitive words and phrases that help writers and speakers distinguish between parts of the spatial ordering of a paragraph or argument, of which include above, alongside, behind, beneath, beyond down, farther along, in back, in front, near or nearby, on top of, to the left or right of, under and up.

1. Professional Communication by Malti Agarwal, Krishna Prakashan Media.


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