I SAID--Then, dearest, since
'tis so,
Since now at length my fate I know,
Since nothing all my love avails,
Since all, my life seem'd meant for,
Since this was written and needs
must be--
My whole heart rises up to bless
Your name in pride and thankfulness!
Take back the hope you gave,--I
Only a memory of the same,
--And this beside, if you will not
Your leave for one more last ride
with me.
My mistress bent that brow of hers,
Those deep dark eyes where pride
When pity would be softening
Fix'd me a breathing-while or two
With life or death in the balance:
The blood replenish'd me again;
My last thought was at least not
I and my mistress, side by side
Shall be together, breathe and ride,
So, one day more am I deified.
Who knows but the world may end
Hush! if you saw some western cloud
All billowy-bosom'd, over-bow'd
By many benedictions--sun's
And moon's and evening-star's at
And so, you, looking and loving
Conscious grew, your passion drew
Cloud, sunset, moonrise, star-shine
Down on you, near and yet more near,
Till flesh must fade for heaven was
Thus leant she and linger'd--joy and
Thus lay she a moment on my breast.
Then we began to ride. My soul
Smooth'd itself out, a long-cramp'd
Freshening and fluttering in the
Past hopes already lay behind.
What need to strive with a life
Had I said that, had I done this,
So might I gain, so might I miss.
Might she have loved me? just as
She might have hated, who can tell!
Where had I been now if the worst
And here we are riding, she and I.
Fail I alone, in words and deeds?
Why, all men strive and who succeeds?
We rode; it seem'd my spirit flew,
Saw other regions, cities new,
As the world rush'd by on either
I thought,--All labour, yet no less
Bear up beneath their unsuccess.
Look at the end of work, contrast
The petty done, the undone vast,
This present of theirs with the
hopeful past!
I hoped she would love me; here we
What hand and brain went ever
What heart alike conceived and
What act proved all its thought had
What will but felt the fleshly
We ride and I see her bosom heave.
There's many a crown for who can
Ten lines, a statesman's life in
The flag stuck on a heap of bones,
A soldier's doing! what atones?
They scratch his name on the
My riding is better, by their leave.
What does it all mean, poet? Well,
Your brains beat into rhythm, you
What we felt only; you express'd
You hold things beautiful the best,
And pace them in rhyme so, side by
'Tis something, nay 'tis much: but
Have you yourself what's best for
Are you--poor, sick, old ere your
Nearer one whit your own sublime
Than we who never have turn'd a
Sing, riding's a joy! For me, I
And you, great sculptor--so, you
A score of years to Art, her slave,
And that's your Venus, whence we turn
To yonder girl that fords the burn!
You acquiesce, and shall I repine?
What, man of music, you grown gray
With notes and nothing else to say,
Is this your sole praise from a
'Greatly his opera's strains intend,
But in music we know how fashions
I gave my youth: but we ride, in
Who knows what's fit for us? Had
Proposed bliss here should sublimate
My being--had I sign'd the bond--
Still one must lead some life
Have a bliss to die with,
This foot once planted on the goal,
This glory-garland round my soul,
Could I descry such? Try and test!
I sink back shuddering from the
Earth being so good, would heaven
seem best?
Now, heaven and she are beyond this
And yet--she has not spoke so long!
What if heaven be that, fair and
At life's best, with our eyes
Whither life's flower is first
We, fix'd so, ever should so abide?
What if we still ride on, we two
With life for ever old yet new,
Changed not in kind but in degree,
The instant made eternity,--
And heaven just prove that I and she
Ride, ride together, for ever ride?
Structure of the poem
The poem is a dramatic monologue. The
first person speaker is the mouthpiece of the poet. The poem has ten stanzas of
eleven lines each following the rhyming pattern aabbcddeeec. There are number
of poetical devices used in the poem. They as follows:
Rhetorical Questions: A Rhetorical question is one which
answers itself.
What need to strive with a life awry?
Might she
loved me?
“…My soul/ Smooth’d itself out, a long-cramp’d
Freshening and fluttering in the wind.”
“When pity would be softening though”
Enjambment refers to the continuation of a
sentence without a pause.
Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same,
Hush! If you saw some western cloud
All billowy-bosom’d, over-bow’d
By many benedictions-sun’s
And moon’s and evening star’s at once.
Summary of the poem
The poem begins with the situation
where the speaker’s lady love wants to end their relationship. He laments that
everything he tried has failed. He expresses his love and appreciation for the
woman. The speaker says that the love of his beloved was the
most meaningful thing in his life and after he has lost her love, his life has
lost all its meaning and significance. In fact, he feels proud that he had the
opportunity to love her and enjoy her company for a long time. He is grateful
towards her for the beautiful and blissful moments they had together. For this
he asks God to bless her. He requests her for two wishes, though he has no
hopes of ever getting her love back in his life. First, he wants to cherish the
memories of his love and the memories of the happiness of the time they spent
together. Secondly, he wants to go on a last ride with her.
Second stanza is about the dilemma of the lady, as she is not
able to decide whether she should accept the request or reject it. She thinks
about it deeply and finally, the lady accepts his request. The speaker is extremely
happy that he is going to enjoy bliss and his lover’s company for another day.
He hopes for the world to end that very night so that his moment of bliss
becomes eternal.
The third stanza deals
with beautiful feeling of the heavenly bliss which the lover experiences when
his beloved lies on his bosom.
In stanza four the
two lovers finally begins their last ride. This blissful experience gives his soul a
terrific experience. The lover thinks about the world as he rides with his
The philosophical
reflection of the lover continues in fifth stanza. Here he argues that everyone struggled for
success yet most face failure. Thus, he tries to justifies his achievement in
love He feels that he has at least achieved a little success and happiness by
being able to ride last time with his beloved.
In stanza six, the
lover as he rides with his beloved continues to think about the world and compares
himself with a statesman and a soldier. It presents the idea that contemplation in love is far
better than anything else. The lover compares the greatest joys of life and
comes down firmly on the idea that his life is better and superior.
The seventh and eighth stanzas, he
compares himself with a poet and a sculpture. He believes that a poet’s reward
is too small compared with his skills. Ordinary men cannot compose such poems. He
compares these arts to the years of his life he gave to his love. He considers
himself luckier as he has at least achieved the consolation of riding with his
lover for the last time.
In ninth stanza, he turns his focus
back to his lover and observes that during the ride while he was lost in his
own thoughts, his beloved did not speak a single word. But it did not make any
difference to him as her company is a heavenly bliss for him. He wonders that
it would be a heaven on earth for him if this ride continues forever. He wishes
that the moment should become everlasting so that they could continue to ride
together forever and ever. The end on the wistful note for an eternity of this moment.
The poem is one of the most famous dramatic monologues of
Robert Browning published in 1855 in his collection Men and Women, consisting fifty one poems. It is considered one of
the most important works of poetry in the Victorian era. Browning may be
described as ‘the father of modern experimental verse’. It is a
ten-stanza poem which focuses on the wishes of a man, his love and loss. It begins with a rejected lover
reflecting on the end of a love affair. Although the lover is sad but he wishes
to reflect his appreciation for the time they spent together and the love he
experienced. The poem has an overall bittersweet tone, balancing sadness and
Some critics see Freudian symbols in the poem, the title in
particular interpreted as a metaphor for the sexual act.