Formation of Words: Blending


Blending: Sometimes two or more words can be blended together to form a new word. For example, the words 'breakfast' and 'lunch' can be blended together to form the word 'brunch'.

Here is a list of some common blended words:

1.     Brunch (breakfast + lunch)

2.     Smog (smoke + fog)

3.     Spork (spoon + fork)

4.     Chunnel (channel + tunnel)

5.     Sitcom (situation + comedy)

6.     Motel (motor + hotel)

7.     Infomercial (information + commercial)

8.     Brangelina (Brad Pitt + Angelina Jolie)

9.     Animatronic (animated + electronic)

10.   Turducken (turkey + duck + chicken)

11.  Frankenfood (Frankenstein + food)

12.  Docudrama (documentary + drama)

13.  Fantabulous (fantastic + fabulous)

14.  Ginormous (gigantic + enormous)

15.  Affluenza (affluence + influenza)

16.  Edutainment (education + entertainment)

17.  Frenemy (friend + enemy)

18.  Netiquette (Internet + etiquette)

19.  Oxymoron (oxy + moron, meaning sharp + dull)

20.   Webinar (web + seminar)

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