Words can also be formed by combining two or more words to create a new word.
For example, the words "book" and "shelf" can be combined
to form the word "bookshelf."
Here is a list of common examples of compounding:
1. bedroom
2. blackboard
3. brainstorm
4. butterfly
5. cupcake
6. database
7. daydream
8. doghouse
9. eyelash
10. fingerprint
11. firefly
12. flashlight
13. flowerpot
14. footbridge
15. football
16. greenhouse
17. haircut
18. headphone
19. horsepower
20. houseboat
21. jellyfish
22. keyboard
23. mailbox
24. moonlight
25. newspaper
26. notebook
27. popcorn
28. raincoat
29. skateboard
30. snowflake.